human nature ruined her life:to my best friend

the  impact was too much and the devil wrapped  himself around her neck.
just like that, in  a split second, nothing will be the same.
life is hard now, its hard to pretend everything is okay because its not.
she didn't even apologize-the girl that  hit  her-she ruined my best friends life and not so much  as a  meager "sorry" dripped from  her lips.
and for that i'll never forgive  her.
she  never  said sorry  and my best friend has to deal with the repercussions.
she's had to say  goodbye to so  many things and they left too  fast for her to even kiss them before they went.
she never said sorry.
im crying as I write this and I cry  every night because I think  that for some twisted reason  I  have some sort of right to hurt because im watching you  hurt. 
but I  don't.
I don't know what its like to  be  you.
I don't understand the feeling you get when you pray  to your god; I've been  praying to him too, begging him to let the pain pass from you, but we don't have the  best  relationship right now so  maybe I'm hurting your cause more than  I'm helping. 
that's how I feel  most days, that I hurt more than I help
and I haven't said sorry.
I've been trying to  word this right. 
but I've never been  good at  saying the right thing at the right  time,  you know  that.
I  just want you to know that I am here and that  im not going  anywhere.
I am here and so is Hope. 
Hope doesn't leave as long as  you hold on. 
Hope will stay  by your side until you're old and wrinkled if you never let your grasp  weaken. 
But in moments when you falter, Uncertainty  and Disappointment and  Anger and Resentment  will leak in through the spaces between your fingers  and scare Hope; she's never been the biggest kid on the playground  but those other feelings are and Hope doesn't want any trouble. 
I guess my point  is  that  when you falter  I'm going to be there, doing anything that  I can to fix the holes so those feelings can't seep in.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
please, darling, hold on  to the Hope.
I know it must be so so hard to believe in Hope,
I know that im selfish and  you deserve  better,
and I know that I can't  fix anything,
but please,
let me help.
You've got a friend in me.


  1. You're a freaking amazing friend.

  2. i just love how you use your words like how you repeat things and ugh just it all ya know

  3. I loved this so much. Everything about this was so touching.

  4. I like how you capitalized the emotions.

    And toy story yes.


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