i wrote this on tuesday, october 25, 2016

but it's still what i want to say today

i'm writing this because i'm not mad (or frustrated).
and i'm not going to be sad about you anymore.
sad and colbykbarton have been synonymous far too many times and that was never what either of us intended, was it?

one day you will be really nice to a pretty, happy girl. and she will be nice right back (i would like to think that i taught you how you deserve to be treated).

you'll dress in all white.
you will become, you will become-how exciting!

i wish you luck with your god.
i hope you let your hair grow back (if you want).
i hope you have all sons.
i hope you tell your parents you love them.
i hope she doesn't have green eyes.
i hope you drive a little slower, a little safer,
so that you make it home.

play catch, go bowling, sleep soundly in your bed.
think of me if it makes you happy.
i hope my memory won't make you sad.
take a walk, we never went on walks,
and i hope you find god there and he's waiting
and i hope he says you've done good and i hope he hugs you tight.
you deserve that from him.

i hope you've written things about me that you love to read.
i have hundreds of happy memories.
i've written our story and i hope you have too,
because this, my darling,
is the only eternity the two of us will share.


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